Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last sick day

My kids are ALL coughing. It's horrible. Although fevers and runny noses are done (except for Ava. She is cutting two teeth AND has this flu/cold so her face is a faucet) the coughs are lingering. It sounds like a bad NyQuil commercial here. I decided to keep my big boys home from school for one more day.
I felt cooped up after realizing I'd only gone to the grocery store and they gym for the past couple of days so we took the kids to Del Mar for a nice lunch break. It was fabulous. So warm and sunny.
Beach walks are a fun thing we can ALL do as a family. Well, Ava is carried in the snuggli but she's still "doing it" with us. It's nice to all be together and enjoy the same thing at the same time since with 4 kids 9 years apart, Jesse and I tag team a lot. (One parent with the big kids on the rides at SeaWorld, the other pushing the double jogger around with napping little ones and we meet up at the Shamu show, etc.) 

Then I came home and played with my kids, made dinner, watched the Olympics and 24 and American Idol.

And forgot to do my daily blog. Oops!

So...here it is! ;)

Boy series=to be continued asap.

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