Friday, February 19, 2010

Jesus is a Sweet Savior

I started to write the blog post for today, but…I just can’t finish it.

So, let me tell you about my sweet Savior instead. He’s better than anything I’ve ever said!

I woke up after too little sleep completely discouraged and stayed that way for a few hours. Overwhelmed by a messy house, loads of laundry and a sick toddler. Frustrated by the numbers on the scale. Seeing people I love struggle and feel burdened and unable to “fix” it. My morning kind of sucked. By noon, I finally had both little ones asleep, my older kids outside playing and my house relatively clean. I was exhausted and needed rest and sugar (but I’m trying not to eat any!) I was tempted to take a nap or go work-out or get on Facebook but I needed to hear from my Lord more than anything.

Psalm 62:1 says "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I" And my heart was overwhelmed. I read Ephesians 1-3 and the love and strength and power and majesty of the Lord washed over me. I felt filled with his peace. The Holy Spirit ministered to my heart that I didn’t need to do anything. I could rest. In him. And I seriously felt like I was snuggled on my daddy’s lap. As I meditated on his love and care and provision for me, I fell asleep for about 10 minutes. I woke up so refreshed, hopeful, calm, at peace. I felt like I had been a little fussy baby who was soothed by her daddy and finally fell asleep in his arms.

Jesus is a sweet Savior.

No, He didn’t magically fix all the problems, concerns, sinful patterns. My chores weren’t done supernaturally, dinner didn’t appear and those last “none-of-your-business” pounds didn’t fall off me. But I was changed. I needed rest and was given rest. Not so that I could forget everything, but so that I could have the strength to finish all that He has given me to do. And trust him to carry the burden. Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

So, if you are overwhelmed today, find your rest in Him. Learn from Him, pray that He covers you because you are insufficient and trust that everything will work out exactly how it should be. And then praise and worship Him because He is worthy, He is good and He is working all things together for your good and for His glory.


Jess said...

Ahhhh yes! Best blog post ever!!! ;) Seriously thank you for this. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed today too, and unfortunately I didn't stop and rest. I praise Jesus that when the Father looks at me He sees the One who always rested perfectly, trusted perfectly, worked perfectly, etc. I also praise Him for friends that remind us of truth. Thanks for the encouragement Angie. Love you friend! :)

lola said...

LOVE THIS!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great message, Angie.