Saturday, February 27, 2010


My boys had a friend sleepover. It's HILARIOUS to listen to the conversation of kids. Here are a few nuggets of comedy gold:

"I like sausage but the word creeps me out"

"He likes big butts and can not lie." "NO I DON'T!!!"

"What size do you wear?" "I forget" "We probably wear the same size." " way. I'm taller"

"Will this whole house shake if there is an earthquake? Or just some stuff?" "I think I was in 9.9 earthquake once."

"Hahaha. I have nerdy pants on!"

"Hey look at that little bird. Let's rifle it!" "Why do you always say rifle, not shoot?" "Because this is probably a rifle!"

"I just can't. I really, really hate raisins"

"I love bowling. I'm so good." "I'm not really that good but I really like it." "I'm actually not that good, either."

Happy Saturday!!!

P.S. So who's on Twitter? I am now. Still figuring it out though. Follow me so I can follow you.

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