Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some favorite "mom moments" of 2010.

With Lucas:
Yesterday, I was cleaning the kitchen and Lucas just walked up, threw his arms around me and said, "I love you, mommy!" He actually does this almost daily. Random expressions of love coming from his little toddler heart are the sweetest things ever!!

With Caleb:
Watching TV with the kids the other day and Caleb curled up next to me for cuddles. He sat totally still so I would rub his back and hug him the whole time. He is so sweet and affectionate!

With Ava:
Jesse brought Ava down from her nap and when she saw me as she was walking down the stairs, her WHOLE face lit up, she squealed in delight and started thrashing her body around-too excited to contain her joy at seeing me. Heart melting!!

With Knox:
At his basketball game on Saturday, I had to sit almost under the basket since the gym was packed and I needed room for the stroller. Knox came running over to say hi and I asked him if he'd made a basket yet. (I was a few minutes late). "Not yet", he said disappointedly. Right after that he got called in, ran down the court and did a perfect lay-up. Right in front of me. The second after he scored he looked at me to make sure I saw. I did and was cheering. He smiled at me so big and so proud! Precious!!!

I’m so blessed to have FOUR healthy, sweet, darling little kids! I hope I take more time this year to ENJOY my kids and these sweet little life moments! Daily life can be so monotonous for a stay-at-home-mommy with little ones but there are always precious moments that make the sacrifice worth it.
Yes, some days we have to look harder than others, I know! ;) But so far, 2010 is a great year to be a mommy for me!

1 comment:

kellycowan said...

all of those were so sweet! i look forward to some of those exact moments w/ my own kids and already enjoy some of them. fun!