Sunday, January 10, 2010

LIFE and money lovin'

Playing LIFE with kids made me think about life. The real one. In the game of LIFE, the one with the most money wins.. But as I played, I realized a LOT of people I know live life and play LIFE the same. In the game, kids are a burden (Knox wanted to ditch his kids because they kept falling out of his car. haha!) and it's best to have as few as possible. Preferably none. Career defines you, your house defines you. And as you accumulate your LIFE experiences, all that matters is the dollar amount on the back of the tile. Sad.

I know it’s just a game but it made me realize that so many people live this way, too. What a horrible master.
Of course in the game, you just retire. You don’t die. There is no God or heaven or hell.
But most people live thinking that way, too.
Probably wouldn’t say it but Christians live like that, too. But Jesus said we can’t worship God and money because we will love one and hate the other.
Hate. Do you hate money? I don’t. Well, I hate the lack of it. I struggle with loving it. The game was a sober reminder to me of Paul’s words to Timothy, “ For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” 1 Timothy 6:10

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