Monday, January 11, 2010

great minds think alike.

So, Jesse was in Seattle yesterday morning and I posted a blog post about loving money. I referenced Jesus' sermon on the mount where he spoke of not being able to love both masters: God and money.
We obviously didn't know what the other one was doing but RIGHT as I posted my blog, this was my husband's facebook status: "Don't store treasure on earth. Your heart will be lost. You cant serve God and money. Don't be anxious about your life. Seek first God. -Jesus"
Awww! My heart is so thankful for his heart. I'm proud to be his wife and glad we think alike in this area-and most all areas!

P.S. I commented on his status that I loved his heart. He wrote back that he loved my butt. heeheehee. We're married. It's ok!

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