Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Waking up to rain and wind.
Sunbreaks. Amazing rays shining through the clouds. Realize it's symbolic of the day ahead.
Survey the damage of my 3-days of neglected housework and count the piles of laundry. Bummer.
Waffles for my boys.
Tea. Uninterrupted, I get to drink the whole cup!
Cleaning. Laundry. Phone calls from friends. I'm not even a quarter done but Ava's up. Hope I'll have time to finish everything left undone.
Ava's laugh while she eats applesauce and her cute little teeth make me smile.
Watching her try to crawl while her brothers cheer her on. Wondering why she'd rather play with my phone charger than anything else.
Brothers playing and laughing with their new toys bought from aunties and cousins. Lucas only breaks one thing. And I'm a hero for figuring out how to build a Lego car.
Looking at my boys all cuddled in my bed watching the end of The Polar Express. Who cares if I just made it and the pillows looked perfect?!?!
Pj's till lunchtime. Wishing Lucas could wear his footie pajamas forever.
Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets, spicy potato wedges with ranch, peaches and apples. Huge smiles when they see their lunch!
Dinner in the crockpot.
Homemade muffins dropped off by the neighbors.
15 minutes of chores for the boys. Only 2 minutes of mumbling whines about it.
Boys wearing their Santa hats from Great-grandma while they scooter outside.
Little boy naptime. Big boy video game time. Baby girl lunch time.
I can't believe it's only/already 12:30pm!
New to-do list.

1 comment:

Mama V said...

Ahhhh... that just made me all relaxed, comfy, & content inside! <3