Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog Envy

I love reading my friends' blogs. And their friends' blogs. There are tons of encouraging, helpful, insightful things to read. And darling pictures to see, yummy recipes to try, decorating inspiration and funny stories to laugh at.

But some's not so encouraging. Sometimes I click on these random blogs and feel a little jealous. That house is SO nice, the decorating is impeccable. Why is that one so skinny and her baby is younger than mine! How does this lady have time to cook a gourmet, organic meal? Where did she find that awesome baby bow? And on and on. I suddenly have blog envy. I've never even met these ladies and now I'm feeling a little jealous of them!
I was talking to a friend about how she thinks blogs seem like people are just bragging. I know they aren't though. It's what is in MY heart that makes me feel like that. Who knows, people might even feel that way after reading this blog. And I know that's not my purpose at all. Obviously, I don't post pictures of my dirty shower, cluttered counters, or pictures where I look ugly. And there aren't going to be any video clips of me frustrated and annoyed with my kids on here! So while I put glimpses of my life on this blog, that's all it is. Glimpses. But knowing that everyone isn't perfect isn't what will get our heart right, will it? We already know that! So what's the problem? How can I be jealous of something I know isn't real and something I don't even want. (Southern girls have great houses but I do NOT want to live in Texarkana!heehee)
Where is my focus, what is my idol? I want to be best. Or at least really good. I'm competitive and focused on others or myself and on...things. Instead of thanking God for the MANY, MANY blessings I have, I start to see things I wish I had. Instead of being content, I'm discontent. That's the problem. It's my heart. My sin.
After years of counseling women, I know this is a struggle for many women. Contentment. It is a simple, Biblical concept. Be content. When we start to feel discontent, we can stop. Repent. Be content.
Remember, there is nothing new. We all feel this way sometimes. But it is not what God wants for us. This is: "Enjoy your life with your [husband], whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun-all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:9
Don't take yourself, your stuff, your life so seriously! Take GOD seriously! Love him and enjoy what he gives you. Be thankful. Be content.
And stop reading this blog if it bugs you! :)

“And godliness with contentment is great gain” 1 Timothy 6:6


Mama V said...

I love you, Angie. Thanks for the encouragement! I totally feel that way sometimes! And you are right - it isn't what "THEY" are doing! It's MY sin that makes me feel that way!!! Praise God for His faithfulness to reveal that sin to us so that it can be done with!!!

Rose Starr said...

Thanks for sharing your heart Angie. I love blogs too and have had the same thoughts from time to time. I agree...when I post something, it's from my heart and it's only a glimpse...I'm not trying to make our life look perfect and I hope others don't think that.

I've enjoyed your blog the past few weeks :)

Anonymous said...

I can not imagine anyone not enjoying your blog. I look forward to it everyday. But then again I am sorta biased and I love you guys so much and only want wonderful awesome things for all of you. Mwaaath!!

Melanie Grote said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVED this blog! I totally feel this way sometimes. Thanks for putting into perspective for me. Not everyone is perfect and these are just "glimpses" into people's lives. Sometimes it is hard to be content, but I need to remember to just stop. Thanks for posting this.