Tuesday, November 17, 2009


This is an excerpt from my friend Hope regarding her son Silas. They have been dealing with his health for months and he has been tested for so many things. There have been ups and downs and so much crazy uncertainty. But through it all she has put all of her hope and trust in God and is an amazing example to me!
Please pray for her son Silas. And be thankful for your own kids' health!!

            "Neuroblastoma is almost exclusively a childhood cancer. It is usually present at birth but not detected for several years until the tumor(s) grow significantly enough to exhibit symptoms. Wikipedia and http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/GD/Templates/Pages/Childrens/HemOnc/HemOncShortContent.aspx?page=2372 both have pretty good descriptions of the disease. There is still a lot we don't know and won't know until after the CT scan. I am expecting to find out tomorrow when the scan will be done, and after that we will have more information.
It is not likely, but we could go in for the scan and find nothing, or we could go in and find some pretty grimm news (and some in between). Either way, we know that God is GOOD. This is not happening outside of His hand. We are so thankful for a God who loves us, he knows what we're going through because He watched His own son suffer to the point of death for our good. He loves Silas more that we do (pretty unfathomable) and is faithfully comforting, loving, and teaching us through this incredibly hard time. My heart is breaking & and the same time trusting the only refuge I've ever found to be secure, is still faithful and good."

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