Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do you have a daughter?

Do you have a daughter? Is she "boy crazy"? What is the deal? I don't remember being boy crazy as a little girl so I don't get it. My sons have had girls try to kiss them, tell them they're cute, ask to marry them and bring them gifts. In elementary school. Isn't this a little young! Yesterday my 1st grader came home with a princess picture a girl drew for him at home and brought to school and then told him she loved him. He's kind of a chick magnet and has had little girls asking to kiss him or marry him since pre-school. But it just seems weird to me! Is it all the princess movies that focus on love and romance? One teacher suggested it was due to Hanna Montana and all the teenager shows parents let preschool aged children watch since she didn't remember little girls acting like this 10 years ago. Do you talk about boys with your daughters? Is this supposed to be cute? Moms of daughters, help me understand!!

In the words of my son when he got the picture handed to him, "What the heck?"
(LOL. Yep, that's what he said to her!)


Our Family said...

As a mom to THREE girls, I hear ya! My girls are not allowed to watch Hannah Montana or any of the "tween" shows on TV for that very reason. They do not need to know what boyfriends are, or what "liking" boys is. Thus far, our girls just think boys are regular and they can be your friend just like a girl can be. It is working so far, but it might get harder when they are teenagers :)

Karly said...

There is a second grade girl at school that keeps trying to kiss Kellen and gets the other girls to help her try and catch him so she can kiss him! Shocking! So far I think Ella is staying clear of the boy craziness, but she's only 5. I was totally boy crazy even in kindergarten (I always hoped Mark would tag me at recess) but luckily I was WAY to shy to color pictures for boys or heaven forbid try to kiss one!

juniorj said...

That's a good lookin' family you guys have there. Hey, be proud that your son(s) are ladies' men. This would be a good time to read Proverbs 6 (about women) to them.

cdugdale said...

Disney is the devil...period. It is sick and wrong for kids to be behaving this way, my girls would never do such a thing. Even my 10 soon to be 11 year old would die before thinking such a thought. My 9 year old wants daddy to pick out her husband. It all has to do with parenting, so parents wake up, because if your girl is the one loving on boys in elementary school, she will be the one sleeping with them as teenagers. Reality check.

Unknown said...

Christina is speaking truth right there. It's Dad's job to give their little girls all the attention, security and acceptance they need young ages because they naturally seek it. If they don't get it from Dad they will go looking for it from other boys. Additionally, as we raise them to love God we need to show them the acceptance and security that is theirs in Christ.

The boys also need to be taught to respect the girls even if/when they are behaving this way. We've seen how they can really quite frankly enjoy that kind of attention from girls. It's easy even in 1st grade to view them as objects instead of image bearers of God that should be treated purely and respectfully. It's a tangible way even for a 1st grader to live counter culturally. Dad's can also exemplify this to their sons daily with how they treat their wife and other women.

The Busy Diva said...

I absolutely agree with Christina and Jesse...I have seen these changes in girls too, especially in environments where the percentage of broken families is very high. Think about are probably with their parents (both at the same time) less now than they have ever been. And Jesse's right...those girls NEED attention, and if Dad's not giving it...

I also agree that the media is a huge issue. Those young girls are going to mimic what they see and hear, and generally, that's NOT a good thing!

Isn't it cool how much you're gonna know about all this before your little girl gets to be that age?? :)

We haven't seen much (if any) of this go on at the school where our kids were attending, and now that we are home schooling...funny thing...none at all! Hahaha...every school's got its issues, though, ya know?

mom said...

All I can say is my daughter is a wonderful writer and I look forward to her next blog...but Angie I do remember Noel..after sixth grade all the boys had crushes on you....

ursula said...

Well said Jesse! Dads need to provide attention to their daughters... Angie great blog! I usually don't read blogs but I will be reading yours ;)