Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Daughter part 2

Okay, so after re-reading my last blog, I realized that there has been a one major difference having Ava has made. Since I always wanted a daughter and girly, pink things and girl toys, and a girl room, etc. sometimes "boy stuff" got old for me. The clothes, the toys, the masculine energy. Maybe because I desired the opposite, I began to take for granted how amazing my boys are and how special having sons is! But now, that desire has been granted and I'm more able to clearly appreciate how awesome my boys are. Shopping for their clothes is more fun, their toys are actually really cool to play with again but most of all, their masculine energy is a blessing to me! They are strong, brave, helpful. I couldn't love them anymore than I already did but I think having a daughter has helped me to appreciate them more and that is an added blessing I wasn't expecting!

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