Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Daughter part 2

Okay, so after re-reading my last blog, I realized that there has been a one major difference having Ava has made. Since I always wanted a daughter and girly, pink things and girl toys, and a girl room, etc. sometimes "boy stuff" got old for me. The clothes, the toys, the masculine energy. Maybe because I desired the opposite, I began to take for granted how amazing my boys are and how special having sons is! But now, that desire has been granted and I'm more able to clearly appreciate how awesome my boys are. Shopping for their clothes is more fun, their toys are actually really cool to play with again but most of all, their masculine energy is a blessing to me! They are strong, brave, helpful. I couldn't love them anymore than I already did but I think having a daughter has helped me to appreciate them more and that is an added blessing I wasn't expecting!

Friday, May 29, 2009

My daughter

A couple of weeks ago, I was at Starbucks with Jesse and Ava (getting a half passion/half black iced tea with one Splenda. YUM!) when a lady asked me, "How old is your daughter?". My daughter! It was fun to hear out loud. I've waited 9 years for a daughter and I have one now. It seemed surreal actually. Wow-it's not a son this time. It's a daughter!
And since then, several people have asked me how I like "finally" having a girl. And of course, I say it's "GREAT!"
But in all honesty, she just seems like...a baby. She doesn't sleep when I want to sleep, she eats, she cries, she poops, she has fabulous cheeks for kissing, she's a ball of heat (which I LOVE! I'm always cold. Stupid thyroid!), her skin is silky soft, she's barfed on me, smiled at me, filled my heart with LOVE...she's my baby. EXACTLY like her brothers were. But she's my daughter! I can't wait for all that will mean in the future: tea parties, pedicures, wedding plans. But for now, she's just like all my precious babies were. Except with a bow on her head and a pink blankie tucked around her.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Godliness during heartbreak

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Today is Mother's Day. It's also the first day that I'm home with all four of my kiddos alone. Ah, the irony! Jesse is preaching all three services and my mom left yesterday (boo hoo) so after two-2 hour sleep sessions, I had to get up and be a mommy instead of sleeping until Ava's mid-morning feeding at 10am like I had been able to do for the past two weeks since my mom or Jesse were always here to help with the boys.
Four kids is A LOT! It's a lot of work, a lot of food, a lot of laundry, a lot less sleep, a lot more laughter, a lot more sharing and a lot more love. This morning, Ava was crying in her crib and when I went to get her, Lucas was leaning over her crib touching her softly and patting her blanket. At lunch, Knox got his brothers some ice water while I was feeding Ava and then he took out the trash-twice. During chore time, Caleb put away all the toys himself since Knox and Lucas were sitting together watching Sponge Bob. My boys aren't perfect but they love each other and can be so kind and helpful.
Tonight Ava will be dedicated. And as we pray over her with our church, pledging to raise her in the fear and admonition of the Lord, I will be praying in my heart for my other three too. I am so thankful for the evidences of grace in their life and the ways I see them growing in faith. I love being their mom and am so blessed to have four fantastic kids.

P.S. My awesome husband got me the Chanel sunglasses I wanted-"from Ava"! My boys got me make-up (with help from my mom) and fabulous gifts they made me at school-a tote bag from Caleb and a book from Knox.
Happy Mother's Day to me! WooHoo! :)