Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Week in the Life (and laughs) of the Winkler Boys

My boys are awesome and I love being their mom. They are hilarious-usually without meaning to be. Here is a glimpse into the past week and some of the antics of my precious boys.....

A Face Only a Mother Could Love
"Hey boys", I yelled, "Come see a picture of the new baby!" Excitedly, they ran into the office and stared at the ultrasound picture I was holding. Puzzled, Knox looked up at me. "Baby? it looks like a toilet seat to me."

The Downside to Being Prince Charming
"Mom, I was loving at school today!" Caleb proudly announced. "Really, how?" I inquired. "Brooke's necklace broke and I found the princess thing for her." "That was loving, Caleb!" "Yeah-Except now she tries to kiss me at recess."

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful
Knox came down dressed for church. "Sorry, bud. You can't wear those jeans anymore." I told him. "What?!? Why?", was the indignant response. "They have a stain and hole at the knee!" He sighed, "Oh mom, I don't always have to look REALLY good, do I?"

The Juicer
I gave Lucas some chopped up apples. At a maniacal pace, he put one square in his mouth, sucked the juice out, and spit the apple onto the floor. Repeatedly. His brothers found this hysterical. Me? Not so much.

Jesus Gloves Me, This I Know
Knox read Caleb their bedtime devotional. They came downstairs to tell me they were finished. "I even taught him the verse and everything!", Knox exclaimed. "Yep!", Caleb confirmed. "Jesus said 'I will never leave you or mistake you'!"
(The actual verse says..."or forsake you")

Young Republican
At breakfast, Knox decided to strike up an adult conversation. "So mom, who are you voting for? John McCain or that other guy?"

Chef Boyar-don't
I had left out a stick of butter so it could soften on the counter. I ran down to the office to check on Caleb doing his homework and left Lucas in the kitchen playing with his blocks. I came back a couple of minutes later and found Lucas covered, head to toe, with butter. He had also greased a four foot section of the kitchen floor and was dancing on it. He was all greased up and smiling proudly at me.

Identity Crisis
Caleb was doing his writing homework and sighed loudly. "I wish I wasn't part of the Winkler Family" he said sadly. "Why?" I asked. "Because K's are TOO hard to write!"

An Acquired Taste
Something happened to the first batch of fudge I made last night. It wouldn't harden. The boys wanted to try it anyway so I spooned out a sample. "OOOO, so good! But it kind of tastes like mud."

Right-Hooked on Phonics
During our morning reading time, I was reading one of Lucas' favorite books. He kept trying to snatch it out of my hands and was firmly rebuked each time. I kept reading. Frustrated, Lucas toddled over to his baby t-ball set. He grabbed his plastic bat, came back and WHACKED the book out of my hand. For good measure, he whacked the book on the floor a couple times and then me on the shoulder. Yes, reading time was officially over. Discipline time was ready to begin!

And On That Farm There Was A Hen-Cow?
I made Chicken Parmesan for dinner. Knox really loved it. "Yum! Mom, this chicken is SO good. Did you make it out of steak?"

1 comment:

mares-e-dotes said...

no freaking way!!! I could never choose my favorite of these stories, but the steak one just made my day! What a great family. I don't think it would be that bad to be in the WinKler family, but "Wight" doesn't have any hard letters, so ask Caleb if that would work better for him. We would take him in an instant!