Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad Pregnancy Cravings

I had to have it. I absolutely had to have it! It was only 9am but if I didn't get a 1/2 Coke, 1/2 Diet Coke from a soda fountain I thought I would die. I had just dropped off my two oldest boys at school when the craving hit me like a ton of bricks. "Get a COKE!". I tried to fight it off with logic. I don't even like soda! It's too early. I'll have to walk in to a store and make this fountain drink, with Lucas. Too much of a hassle. Did I mention I don't even LIKE soda?!?!

I pulled into a gas station. I looked through the windows and spotted a soda fountain machine. Perfect! I parked and hurried inside, walking with purpose to the machine. I grabbed the enormous 44 oz. cup and filled it up, alternating between Diet and Regular. I'm pretty sure I got more Diet though. I paid for my prize while Lucas screamed for a sip. But I didn't share. Coke is bad. Plus, he can't figure out straws.

I drank it. Almost all of it! It was awesome! I LOVE Coke. Coke isn't bad, it's GOOD!

But now, I want Cheetos and watermelon....

1 comment:

Jessi said...

hilarious. I always love Diet Coke but I NEED it now. It is the only thing that hasn't lost its taste and it goes VERY nicely with a whole bag of light popcorn during the kids naps. Daily.