Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Oil Spill

So. I woke up at 5:30am to snoring and crying and I'm not sure which was loudest. That's not that big of a deal except that I didn't go to bed until after midnight. AND when I ran downstairs to make crying baby a bottle I stepped in something slimy. Shocked, I realized it was a puddle of olive oil. Then it all came back to me. The night before, right as we were rushing out the door to see the Lakers game and BBQ at a friend's house, I grabbed a box of crackers and accidentally knocked the olive oil off the shelf. The bottle broke and oil gushed out under the pantry. But we were in a rush and I was wearing a white skirt so Jesse easily convinced me to leave it for the evening when we got back. But the evening became night and we didn't get back until after 11pm. I'm sure you can see where this is heading but, yes. I forgot about the oil spill.
So, I'm standing in a puddle of oil at 5:30ish am and finally notice that the oil is now EVERYWHERE. The once semi-contained puddle under the pantry had traveled via the tile grout and was ALL over my kitchen. And the little river of olive oil had also carried little flecks of glass with it. 
Ava screamed bloody murder when I plopped her into her highchair so I screamed bloody murder for Jesse to come help me! Who, by the way, was asked late yesterday evening to cover the pulpit of a friend who had gotten ill so he stayed up well past midnight preparing a sermon!
20 minutes, 1 roll of paper towels, 2 kitchen towels, 2 thorough sweepings and a good mopping and the oil/glass mess was done.
That should have clued me into what kind of morning I would have...Let me just sum it up: fussy baby, cranky toddler, staying home from church to care for the before mentioned, accidental poop smearings, fat lip, bloody finger catastrophe, fighting neighbor kids under the window of FINALLY asleep fussy baby and realizing I have to go shopping at Costco before a major BBQ day. 

Moral of the story=oil spills are always bad.

1 comment:

Mama V said...

Oh you poor thing! Sounds aweful!!! I HATE oil spills - it seems the floor never quite stops being slick - even after 5 moppings!

(P.S. Am I the only one that thought this post was going to be about the recent huge oil spill in the ocean?)