Friday, March 6, 2009

My nose and cheeks! :)

At my 32 week check-up, I was measuring around 35 weeks and my doctor was concerned since my last ultrasound showed Ava to be rather small-25th percentile. So she ordered an ultrasound at my 34 week appointment which was today. Everything is GREAT! They think Ava must have just been in a weird position causing the outer measurement to be so high (I measured the same today as I did two weeks ago, which puts us back at normal). The ultrasound tech measured her head, tummy, arms and legs. Everything is average-now 50th percentile. It seems that she weighs about 5 pounds now which would put Ava on course to only be a petite 8 pounder. Thank You, Lord! :)
We also got to see a front on view of her face. And as the tech pointed out all her features, she said, "It looks like she has your nose, and she already has full, round cheeks!" She was so cute and I can NOT wait to kiss those chubby little cheeks!! Just 6 more weeks!


kalle said...

I'm so glad you got to see her face! It's a sweet blessing those ultrasounds.

Mama V said...

AWE! I am so excitd for you! She is going to be SO beautiful!!!!