Monday, December 15, 2008

A California Christmas!

I'm so excited to go to California for Christmas! We leave this Friday! It will be the first time in 8 years that I've been in Cali with my family for Christmas. I can't wait! Last night, Jesse and I talked with the boys about what we all want to do on our vacation. And a lot of it involves food....

Here is our top 10 list:
1. Make sand angles (Caleb)
2. Disneyland (Knox)
3. Pedros' Tacos-EVERYDAY (Jesse)
4. frozen yogurt-EVERYDAY (me)
5. Surfin' Donuts (Caleb)
6. Ichibiri (Knox)
7. go surfing (Jesse)
8. San Diego WIld Animal Park (me)
9. HUGE family Christmas time with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends. At least 35 people all eating and laughing and playing in the street after dinner! It's tradition to play in the street-football, kick-the-can, whatever. My grandparent's cul-de-sac on Christmas Day is a rockin' good time! (all of us)
10. get tan (all of us)


mares-e-dotes said...

Get a tan while eating frozen yogurt...every day! girl you are brilliant! What a vaca! Merry Christmas, have fun, I'll miss you!

christy said...

Enjoy your trip! Jeff and his dad always get donuts after surfing too! They'll probably be out early on the 27th. not sure what beach though. Have fun with your family!